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Round to second decimal place
This simple percentage math can be done on a basic physical calculator:
- Find % of a number: To find what X% of Y is, type in Y, then multiply (*) by X, and divide (/) by 100. For example, for 20% of 50, you’d type:
50 * 20 / 100
. - Find what % a number is of another: To find out what % X is of Y, divide X by Y, then multiply (*) by 100. So, if you’re wondering what percent 10 is of 50, type:
10 / 50 * 100
. - Find % increase: To see the % increase from X to Y, subtract X from Y, divide by X, and then multiply by 100. For example, to calculate the increase from 30 to 45, you’d do:
45 - 30 / 30 * 100